Monday, 25 January 2010

I'm a Photographer, Not A Terrorist!

On Sunday, the I'm a Photographer Not A Terrorist campaign organised a rally of photographers, both professional and amateur, who gathered in Trafalgar Square at midday.

The protest was against police abuse of Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000, which the photographers claimed has become a blanket measure to harrass and intimidate photographers lawfully going about their business.

Between 1,500 and 2,000 people gathered in Trafalgar Square, almost all armed with a camera. As usual, some fringe groups including the Socialist Worker propaganda sheet and the blogger Old Holborn were present, but the majority seemed to be ordinary photographers, from all walks of life.

In contrast to the usual atmosphere at London-based protests, this was a very civilised and almost silent affair. This may or may not have been related to the near-total absence of the police, who were represented by one City of London constable and three PCSOs, who unwisely took it upon themselves to attempt an arrest in the middle of the crowd.
With the exception of that one incident, which was met by hundreds of cameras, nothing else of note could be said to have happened. The group began dispersing to the pub at 12.30pm, although a few hundred hung around to take pictures of each other. There was some light press coverage of the day.

 More: Independent, BBC

Friday, 15 January 2010

Happy New Year, and such

Having forgotten the password to this and spent yonks getting it reset (real life in the way, donchaknow!), there will be updates soon! Unfortunately university is getting rather busy at the moment, so they may not be the indepth stories (like the protests one below ....) that I want to be writing.